
Post questions or comments about the N72 here.


Postby pintsized » Sat Oct 04, 2008 10:53 am

Just writing to say how much fun I had building my first N72 (I've never done anything like this before), and how absolutely stoked I am with the sound! I'm seriously impressed :)

I had a couple of minor set backs, but the advice from previous threads here really helped.. I'm a total amateur with a soldering iron and had success first time simply by paying careful attention to the instructions and to the advice on this forum.

I have another to build, then I'll definitely be buying some of the other modules.

I have a question though about the importance of fine tuning the bias.. I don't have an oscilloscope, but I'm willing to get one if it's important enough. I'm assuming I can use my DAW as a signal generator?

Basically I'm really happy with the sound, but want to know if fine tuning them is considered important for things like stereo recording of acoustic instruments (since I do that a lot)? I'm reluctant to shell out for an oscilloscope if I'm not going to be able to tell the difference!

Another application I have in mind is to run my DAW output through a pair of N72s at mix time (via a pad of some sort I guess) if I feel a bit of colour will help the mix. Again, is it worth me buying an oscilloscope or will I be ok without fine tuning.. particularly if on both modules I get the same readings at Q6 for instance?

I suppose what I'm trying to get at is; does the fine tuning make /any/ audiable difference or is it more in the name of 'correctness'? Using an oscilloscope, am I able to get a 'matched' pair of N72s to a degree of accuracy otherwise not possible?

Thanks in advance.. and thanks so much Tim for this awesome pre-amp!

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Joined: Sat Oct 04, 2008 10:34 am

Re: Wow!!!

Postby bkspero » Sat Oct 04, 2008 1:17 pm

pintsized \$m[1]:
I have a question though about the importance of fine tuning the bias.. I don't have an oscilloscope, but I'm willing to get one if it's important enough. I'm assuming I can use my DAW as a signal generator?

Another application I have in mind is to run my DAW output through a pair of N72s at mix time (via a pad of some sort I guess) if I feel a bit of colour will help the mix. Again, is it worth me buying an oscilloscope or will I be ok without fine tuning.. particularly if on both modules I get the same readings at Q6 for instance?

I suppose what I'm trying to get at is; does the fine tuning make /any/ audiable difference or is it more in the name of 'correctness'? Using an oscilloscope, am I able to get a 'matched' pair of N72s to a degree of accuracy otherwise not possible?

Thanks in advance.. and thanks so much Tim for this awesome pre-amp!


The guidance I've seen from Tim on this issue is that the only benefit of using an oscilloscope is a little more headroom (gain) prior to clipping. And that an N72 will have more than enough gain using the standard adjustment without an oscilloscope. The sound up until clipping will be the same.
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Wow!!! Again!

Postby Commodor » Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:46 pm

I smiled when I was your post... and it made me remember my reaction after building my N-72's (I have 3 so far) ... and then using them.

And maybe more importantly, in continuing to use these in various situations I still often have that same WOW! reaction. They're just plain killer... outstanding pieces of gear.

Just wanted to chime in about the oscilloscope. I bought one myself primarily for this... or at least it was a good excuse to get one. And I am happy to have been able to tweak the N-72's all the way out.

But... really what you're getting with this is the chance to wring out every ounce of headroom with the N-72 and the difference in real-world performance is slight and essentially you won't know the difference.

Having said that... I don't regret buying the oscilloscope and I'm not saying that you shouldn't... just offering the perspective.

As an added side note.... at the time I was shopping for a scope I had some questions so I called a friend of mine who is a tech. He maintains a few studios here in the Vancouver area including at least one that has a vintage Neve console.

While I was describing what I wanted to do with the scope and asking what I should be shopping for exactly he asked what I was doing with it and said it sounded like I was biasing a Neve preamp. :)

I told him that basically I was! :D

Tim's build instructions get you very much in the ballpark... the last little bit is worth it if you have a scope already... but buying one just for this is questionable unless like me you don't like the idea of not 'finishing' the job. :wink:

But really... it's not a huge deal... and the N72 has tons of headroom already.

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