Tim should answer this question.
But I'll take a stab for the heck of it.
The PS03 is capable of 80w of power output @ 30v.
The N72 draws 100ma @ 30v, so that's only 6w for the pair.
The J99 draws 80ma @ 30v, equals 4.8w for the pair.
Unfortunately the C84 and A12 do not have specifications posted to the website. but we can assume fairly low power consumption. Estimate high, so 5w each, that's an additional 20w.
Grand total power draw for your rack of eight is (estimated) 30.8w.
Keep in mind that the more power drawn from any power supply will generate more heat, and cause more stress on it's components. It is a switch mode power supply, so if it's properly designed (and I think it is), you should not run into dropping voltage and diminishing performance (and added ripple) with an increase in power output. Most switch mode supplies also have short circuit (over current) and thermal protection. So if you do manage to over extend the supply, it should turn itself off. However that may not be the case with this particular supply.