N72 Oneshot assembly question

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N72 Oneshot assembly question

Postby doublea617 » Thu May 08, 2014 12:05 pm

Hi. I just bought an N72 rev 3.3 with the the one shot chassis and had a few questions about the assembly. They might be kind of stupid questions but i wanted to make sure before I went a head and soldered it in.

-there is no assembly steps for the EMI filters "L3-L6". I see where they go on the pcb and in the schematic but I just wanted to make sure they need to be assembled since it doesn't say anything about it.

-to enable the di switching with the one shot chassis it says to reroute the n72 input connector to M+ and M-. Is it better to connect M+ and M- to the headers at "J5 and J6" or straight to the transformer? Or can I connect them to 1 and 2 at "conn 5" as it looks like there is nothing connected there?

-basically what im trying to figure out is where exactly should I connect M+ and M- as well as P1+, P1-, P2+, P2- to the N72 module without disconnecting the EMI filters? (If that is possible)

-I'm assuming P1+, P1-, P2+, P2- should go straight to the transformer but I wanted to double check on all the connections.

Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.
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