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blinking led on power supply with j99 connected

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 4:22 pm
by jashwa
I just finished building two j99 modules both of which exhibit the same symptoms, when powering up the led on the front panel flashes once every few seconds- this is with no op amps in place. The chassis normally houses 3 T15, 1 D11, 1 N72, and 1 A12, and the power supply powers up normally with these all connected. I´ve individually tried both j99 without anything else connected. I found a few other threads in which some sort of similar symptoms were described but the underlying problem must be something else. I´ve checked all the components and their orientations minus the resistors, but I plan to check them tonight. I tried reflowing all solder joints just in case I had a cold solder joint. I´ve also tried checking continuity with my DMM while following the schematic, but this last test has been lest rigourous than it could be. I thought I would see if there were any suggestions of where to look for the problem. The bright side is that once I find the problem in one module, there is a fair chance that I´ll find it in the other. Thanks for your help,