I have an eight-unit rack with three J99s among the pres that I took out to a live jazz gig this past weekend. When I opened the door of my van, the rack unit with these pres dropped about a foot down onto the curb. When I went to crank up the unit, sure enough one of the J99s just gave me a bunch of static. I suspected that something happened when the unit dropped!
When I got the unit home, I openned it up and found that the 990c Opamps had partially loosened in their sockets. Because of their proximity to one another there is not enough space for them to fall out completely, but I am concerned that they are not that tight in their sockets. It seems that even a casual amount of transporting will continue to loosen the Ops in their sockets and cause intermittent problems.
Q: does any one have a solution for securing John Hardy op amps in their sockets so that future moving won't cause them to loosen and lose contact?