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Fiber Spacer
Thu May 21, 2009 5:47 pm
by Dean Roddey
It indicates you should put fiber spacers under the CONN1/2 jacks before soldering. There aren't in any my kit. Is this something we would be expected to have? How thick are these guys? I can always find something else of the appropriate size I guess.
Thu May 21, 2009 5:59 pm
by Dean Roddey
Nevermind, I just worked out the alighnment by eye using various thing cardboard sheets until I found something that worked, then pulled them out. But, anyway, there wasn't any such fiber pads in the kit, so I figured I should point it out.
Thu May 21, 2009 6:23 pm
by Dean Roddey
Oops, I also didn't get any heat sinks for the regulators. I'll have to make a run to the store for those I guess.
Thu May 21, 2009 9:47 pm
by Dean Roddey
Could find the heat sinks at RS or Fryes so I just asked Time to mail me a couple. I went forward and the D11 is done, done, and done otherwise.
Hmmm... It looks like there are a pair in the A12 kit. I may just steal those so that I can move forward and hook this guy up and make sure it works. I figure, if I'm going to blow something up as my first experiment, it would be a lot cheaper to blow up the DI card than the A12, so I'll do that. By the time I'm ready for the heat sinks on the A12, the new ones will probably be here since he's just up the road from me .
Thu May 21, 2009 11:52 pm
by Dean Roddey
Woohoo, it doth worketh. And they did feast upon the lamb, and the shoat, and the DI board. Still only had my vanilla sound card pre-amps to run it through for now but it works. Now on the the A12.